Subscribe or not to Subscribe

As we are heading rapidly (I hope) into ski season, it’s a good time to take a look at your forum subscriptions.  Doing so can keep you updated if you don’t want to miss out on club happenings.  We have 4 forums that serve different purposes and you can choose which ones to get emails from.  They are:

Club Announcements – Sent just a few times a month about, well, club announcements.  Things like the monthly meeting, Columbia store pass, elections, etc.  We recommend everyone stay subscribed to this.  Only moderators post but subscribers can respond.

Members Connection – Anyone can post to this.  It’s a general message board and probably sees the most traffic.

For Sale and Trade – Again, anyone can post and the title tells all.

Official Day Tours Forum – Another moderated forum to announce when there is an “official” day tour that the Day Tour Committee has approved.  But, but… ANYONE can lead a day tour and we need YOU to step up.  Just email and they’ll get you going.

OK, so how does one subscribe?  Well everyone is subscribed to all forums when they join the club.  Over time though, you may have unsubscribed to one or another.  So sign into the website, go to the forums (Members Area >> Forums), and click on each one.  If it shows ‘Click to Subscribe’, just click on that to begin receiving emails.

Here’s a shortcut to the forums (you must be signed in to actually get into the forum):

And if you have other questions about the forums, check out this FAQ:

One other thing, please be mindful that when you choose to make a forum post, your email is landing in hundreds of inboxes and counts against our monthly allotment. Please take a minute to check it for accuracy and completeness and refrain from sending more than one per subject. It’ll help all of us.

Published in the Dec. 2023 newsletter and post updated.  See this and other help articles on the Contact Us/Help page.