Looking for help?
- Problems with Login Or Password?
- I need to change my phone/email/password, etc.
- I have no access to some pages, why is that?
- How Can I Tell If My Membership Is Active?
- All about forum posts
- What activities and events does the club have?
- Are there resources for ski lessons or to improve skills?
- I’d like to volunteer. Who should I contact?
- What are the club policies?
- Where can I find the link for the meeting?
- Where can I find the pass to the Columbia Employee Store?
- Where can I find my membership card?
- Where are some good places to ski in the area?
- I'm looking for information about xyz...
- There's a lot to the website. How can I lean more?
- I have a question not covered here. Who can I contact?
- What's it like on an overnight trip?
- How do I sign up for overnight trips?
- Can I bring a friend who’s not a member?
- How do I renew my membership?
- Are dogs allowed on outings?
- Is my information kept private?
- How can I get my photo to appear on forum posts?
- I’m having trouble with the website. Who could help me?