Trail Tending Thursday Oct. 27 – NEW SKI TRAIL WORK – Government Camp

WHEN: 27-Oct-2022 / 8:00 am - 3:00 pm


Bookings closed

I am looking for a few people to help limb trees  and hang Diamonds on the New Water Tank  SKI Trail at Governemnt Camp Thursday.  Trying to get this done before the snow gets any deeper!!!!!

We can Carpool from Troutdale  8 AM or Sandy 8:30 AM Government Camp 9:30 AM Rest Area

Wear Snow Boots and Gaiters,  Fleece and Gloves and Water Resistant Jacket and Pants

Bring Lunch and  Hot Beverage  – Small pack – Sunglasses

Ken Wenzel,

Cell 503-729-6571   

Home 503-297-2958


Bookings are closed for this event at this time. Contact the trip leader for any questions.