Overnight Trip Planning Session

WHEN: 28-Apr-2015 / 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm


Hello Nordic Club Members,

Come to the overnight trip planning session on Tuesday, April 28th, 6:00-9:00, at the Mazama Mountaineering Center (527 SE 43rd Avenue, Portland) in Conference Room 3.  Enjoy pizza and good company and start to make a dream ski trip a reality.    

At this meeting, we will go over the nuts and bolts of organizing an overnight  trip, look at the list of recent trips,  and brainstorm possible new locations.  You will have the opportunity to create proposals for a trip (either as a leader or co-leader).  The Overnight Trip Coordinator (Ted Scheinman) and the Overnight Trip Steering Committee will be there to advise you and review your proposal.  (You are under no obligation to lead an overnight trip by attending this meeting.)

If you don’t feel ready to lead a trip on your own,  you’ll have the opportunity to team up with another leader — as an assistant leader or a co-leader.  

So, bring your calendar and your laptop, if you have one.  Come join the fun!

Pizza and soft drinks will be provided.  

Please R.S.V.P to Ann Truax (ann.truax@gmail.com or 503-756-8891) if you plan to attend.