Mount Hood – Cooper Spur (Advanced/Telemark/AT)

WHEN: 17-Feb-2020 / 6:00 am - 6:00 pm

While thousands of downhill skiers are packed into the groomed slopes on the south and east sides of Mt Hood, we’ll take the whole north side for ourselves on this advanced tour. If you haven’t been to Cooper Spur in the winter before, with the right snow, it is magical and definitely worth the climb.

We’ll start at Cooper Spur, put on skins and climb up almost 2,000 feet to Tilly Jane. We’ll take a lunch break there and then push on up to the open slopes above. Hopefully we’ll make it to the Cooper Spur rock shelter at 6,600 feet. Then we have fun as we demonstrate our downhill skiing prowess on the open slopes then to Ghost Ridge and then down through the burn area below Tilly Jane Campground

For this tour you need to have skins and Telemark or AT skis.  

To be on this tour you must contact me by e-mail in advance. I do this so that I can send each potential participant an info packet with more info on difficulty and expectations for this tour. Additionally, I want all your e-mail addresses so that in case the trip is cancelled I can contact everyone. Sorry for the hassle related with this but I need to ensure a safe tour.

Leader: Scott Diamond
Mobile: 503.643.6779
Meeting time/Place: As noted above, e-mail me for info
Dog’s allowed: No
Cost: Plan on $20/skier for carpool cost