Monthly Program – Oregon’s best Backcountry Ski Trips

WHEN: Tue, 12-Nov-2024 / 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

ONC-PDX Monthly Meeting
“Oregon’s Best Backcountry Ski Trips” – William Sullivan

When: Tuesday November 12, 6:30pm – 8:30pm.

Where: Multnomah Arts Center, Room 30* (in the Senior Center; park in back of the building and enter through the doors on the right that say Senior Center).

* Also on Zoom: Link sent to members by email.

6:30 pm: Potluck. Bring a dish to share, eating utensils, and a drink if you wish
7:15 pm: Short Club Meeting
7:30 pm-8:30 pm: Program: “Oregon’s best Backcountry Ski Trips” – William Sullivan

About the program:

Oregon’s best Backcountry Ski Trips

Oregon outdoor guru Bill Sullivan takes us on a tour of the state’s best
backcountry ski adventures, from a winter visit to Crater Lake
to a snow camp in the heart of the Three Sisters Wilderness.
A fifth-generation Oregonian, Sullivan has written a dozen books about
Oregon’s outdoors, as well as two books on Oregon history, three adventure
memoirs, and eight novels. His journal, “Listening for Coyote” was chosen by
the Oregon Cultural Heritage Commission as one of the 100 most significant
books in the state’s history. His “Atlas of Oregon Wilderness” describes nearly
200 Nordic ski and snowshoe trips. His five-volume series of “100 Hikes”
guidebooks cover virtually every trail in the state — and yes, he has hiked
them all.

Hope to see you in person or online!