Monthly Program – Nepal and Skiing in the EU

WHEN: 7-Feb-2023 / 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

ONC-PDX Monthly Meeting
“Trekking in Nepal” – Susan Watt *and* “ONC-PDX in the EU – Richard Crimi

When: Tuesday Feb 7, 6:30pm – 8:30pm.

Where: Multnomah Arts Center, Room 30* (in the Senior Center; park in back of the building and enter through the doors on the right that say Senior Center).

* Also on Zoom: Link sent to members by email.

6:30 pm: Potluck. Bring a dish to share, eating utensils, and a drink if you wish
7:15 pm: Short Club Meeting
7:30 pm-8:30 pm: Program: “Trekking in Nepal” – Susan Watt *and* “ONC-PDX in the EU – Richard Crimi

About the programs:

Treking in Nepal, November 2019
From Susan Watt: I trekked, with two others for a month from Tumlingtar, Nepal to Kanchanjunga, the 3d highest peak in the Himalayas. Kanchanjunga is on the eastern end of the Himalayas and close to the borders with Tibet/China & India. It was not heavily visited by other trekkers and the accommodations were primitive, but the people were welcoming and the scenery was majestical! No matter how high we climbed, there were always snowy mountain peaks looming above us. The scale of it was humbling. Hiking was challenging and I enjoyed the slow pace in sync with everyone else who were walking to get where they were going. We stayed in family homes along the way and small tea houses at the higher elevations. The experience gave me a much closer connection to the people and way of life in the rural areas far from roads, vehicles, electrical grid, or any modern appliances. We also spent time in Kathmandu and Chitwan National Park and Wildlife Preserve.
The photos were all taken with my iphone and are a diary of the trip.

ONC-PDX in the EU
From Richard Crimi: In 2018, a group of club members traveled to Europe to experience the skiing, take in some cultural sites, and of course, to enjoy the cuisine. Travel with them to Austria, southern Germany, the Dolomites, and to Venice in a video clip of the highlights. Presented by Richard Crimi with a smiling group of ONC-PDX skiers.

Hope to see you in person or online!