February Meeting: Travels in Ecuador and Climbing Chimborazo

WHEN: 2-Feb-2021 / 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

ONC-PDX Monthly Meeting
Travels in Ecuador, and climbing 20,000 foot Chimborazo: By some measures, the tallest mountain in the world!

When: Tuesday February 2nd, 7pm – 9pm. 7pm members share about skiing, 7:30 pm program. 
Where: Zoom! Members will receive the link by email

Presenter: Josh Lawrence

Ecuador Adventures: Cuy, karaoke, Quito, Cuenca and Climbing Chimborazo

New ONC member Josh Lawrence will talk about his travels in Ecuador, and his attempts to climb 20,549 foot Chimborazo. You’ll learn a lot about the food, the drink, the people, the towns of Quito and Cuenca, and the stability of the snowpack at 19,000 feet! In addition to the climb, the talk will include tips on getting around in beautiful Ecuador, a country that is definitely worth a visit once we’re allowed to travel again.

Program Flier