Day Tour Overview

This page provides information for any attendees of an ONC-PDX Winter Day Tour (Meetup or otherwise).

Day Tours Forum

The Day Tours forum will help you stay informed when new outings are announced.  Members, be sure you’re subscribed.  If you need help with that, read how on this FAQ.  Non-members may join the forum too. Just click here to request access – please use the subject of ‘Day Tours‘ and include your phone #..


It’s important that our organizer’s time and effort in planning events is respected and appreciated. Respecting your RSVP also ensures that all of our members have access to our tours that may otherwise fill up.  We document no shows for events and this will impact your acceptance for future events.

Tour Difficulty

It is always difficult to communicate the difficulty of a tour. In an effort to address this, the website has guidelines for trip ratings. These rating are a starting point. If you are uncertain then we strongly encourage you to contact the tour lead (it is much easier to sort this out before the trip than on the trail).

What to Bring

Let’s start with the 10 Essentials.  This is list of items which we recommend every participant carry (not just the tour leader). For clothing please look at what to wear.  For the vast majority of our tours you need to have skis beforehand (we don’t have time to stop and rent skis on the way). If you need to rent equipment please see Rentals and Retailers.


Lack of snow worthy vehicles is a growing issue for the club.  Please refer to out carpooling page for suggested donations amount to drivers.


Dogs are only allowed on a few ONC-PDX trips. If you don’t see dogs allowed on the trip write-up then please don’t bring your dog (you will not be allowed to ski with the group).


For a general overview we recommend NOAA Cascades Zone forecast.

If you want to see webcams then Amar Andalkar’s Ski Mountaineering and Climbing Site has a good selection.

While not relevant to the vast majority of trips, avalanche hazards can be checked at Northwest Avalanche Center


To provide feedback on a day tour you have participated in, please complete and submit the Day Tour Feedback Form.