Winter Solstice Easy Ski

WHEN: 21-Dec-2019 / All Day

Let’s celebrate Winter Solstice on an Intermediate-level day outing on Mt. Hood on Saturday, Dec. 21st. You will need to wear proper clothing and bring gear in working order for a 3- to 5-mile ski tour on flat trails to gentle hills, as it is still early in the season for many of us! Also, carry water, pack a lunch, and have the 10 Essentials, as well as bring cash for gas money to cover the expense of the trip, or be willing to drive your own vehicle. Tentative plans are for the Government Camp area, depending on snow conditions. We would meet on the Eastside on Saturday morning before heading to the hills. This will be an official ONC Day Outing so the group will ski together. Please contact Christine Bierman 971-325-2874 by phone or text, or reply here by no later than Thursday, Dec. 19th. Let me know your ability level, preference for trails, and if you can drive or will need a ride.