Wednesday Intermediate Ski – Bennett Ridge

WHEN: 18-Dec-2019 / 9:00 am - 4:30 pm


Tour will be Bennett Ridge, all of which is on the road leading to Bonne Butte, a possible turn around point but we will very unlikely go that far. It’s an out & back so we can U-turn at any point.  The low snow conditions should make crossing the “terrible traverse” (mile 2.4) very easy because the flat road should not be snow filled at an angle.  Forecast is for light snow now through Wednesday with nights in the 20s and days mid 30s degrees.
If it’s icy we will pick a flatter destination, Bennett is a slight uphill ski to the Traverse.  If the weather gods give our Christmas powder early we can consider other tours too.
Email Russ at  or   call/text  360-901-3411  if you have questions and to confirm that you are going.  Meeting Edgefield west lot 9:00 AM (I will be there if I get confirmation from at least one person).