Monthly Member Meeting

Monthly Member Meeting
WHEN: 5-May-2020 / 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Trekking in Fiji…Fiji? … Yes, Fiji

Description: Join Carole Beauclerk for a unique journey into the interior highlands of Fiji, climbing the country’s highest peak, hiking through grasslands, cooling off at waterfalls and rivers, and staying in traditional villages, where certain protocols need to be followed, and each night  ending with a kava ceremony. While trekking is in its infancy in Fiji, one can be assured of magnificent scenery and nature plus the warm hospitality of its people and some destinations to relax after this arduous but rewarding 5 day trek. Carole will give travel, trekking and cultural advice.

When:  Tuesday, May 5
Location: Lucky Labrador Brewing Company, 1945 NW Quimby St., Portland
6:30 p.m. Social Time
7:30  Program: Tanzania: Amazing animals, scenery and music
Food/Beverages available $