November Meeting

WHEN: 4-Nov-2014 / 6:30 pm


Volunteer Recognition and Avalanche Safety Update
6:30 – Food and Socializing

7:15 pm – Volunteer Recognition
7:30 – 9 pm – Speaker: Roland “Em” Emetaz , Avalanche Awareness Program (NWAC-AIRE)
Most of us are aware of the dangers, but do we recognize risky conditions, and are we always as careful as we should be? Do we know what to do if the unspeakable happens? Join Roland “Em” Emetaz of the Avalanche Awareness Program for a very important update, including where and why avalanches occur, who gets caught and why, and tips for staying safe in the backcountry. You will learn how to recognize signs of avalanche danger, how to avoid or reduce the risk, how to access local avalanche reports, and the importance of companion rescue techniques and equipment. The show will feature slides and local case histories, and will encourage questions from the audience.