02/15/2022 – 02/18/2022
by Johanna Lovell, Trip Leader
A group of 10 headed to the Shelter Cove Resort at Odell Lake for a few days of fun in the snow. We were a little worried about the conditions since there had not been any accumulation of fresh snow in the area for weeks. Mother nature was so kind as to give us a little fluffy love the day before we arrived. Just a few inches of fresh snow was all it took to turn this into an awesome ski trip.
We arrived on Tuesday and were happy to see the fresh snow, but still not sure about the ungroomed trail conditions at the Bechtel snow trail system and Gold Lake Sno-Park. The group decided on the Bechtel snow trails for Wednesday’s adventure and were not disappointed. Part of the group headed up to the Bechtel shelter while others headed up to the Westview shelter, and then on to the Odell lake overlook. Being blessed with clear skies made this especially rewarding!
For Thursday’s adventure the whole group went over to the Willamette Pass Nordic area. The group definitely had some awesome ski karma with us. We basically had the whole trail system to ourselves with the groomer grooming the trails in front of us as we skied. The icing on the cake was a full moon during our trip! The moon gave us an incentive for a night ski and Shelter Cove is the best place to take pictures of the moonlight shimmering off the lake. Everyone agreed it was an awesome trip!