Super Superbowl Ski Outing and Tailgate Party

WHEN: 9-Feb-2025 / 9:00 am - 5:30 pm


Bookings closed

WHERE: Troutdale Public Parking (behind Police Station)
140 Buxton Rd, Troutdale, OR, 97060

What Superbowl?! When the Superbowl is on, the mountain is empty, which means more room on the trails and fewer cars on the highway. A Win-Win! Let’s enjoy a medium-length Intermediate-level ski tour on a trail to be named on Mt. Hood, followed by a potluck, tailgate party at the snopark. Who knows?! Someone might play tunes. A dance could even break out! (Ski) Pole dancing is possible! It would be wonderful, too, to circle our camp chairs around a portable stove and visit, if someone has a stove to bring. Let’s leave from Troutdale at 9 a.m. and start our return at 3 p.m. More details coming while we all eagerly wait for new snowfall!

Christine Bierman


No dogs allowed on this tour


Bookings are closed for this event at this time. Contact the trip leader for any questions.