Monthly Member Meeting

Monthly Member Meeting
WHEN: 3-Dec-2019 / 7:30 pm - 10:00 pm

Rajalta Rajalle Hihhto event in Finland

In 2018 Karl Andersson and friends participated in the Rajalta Rajalle Hihhto event in Finland, which, literally translated means “Border to Border Ski”. It is a 7 day trip from the border with Russia to the border with Sweden, is 420 kilometers and takes 7 days. It was started in 1984 and draw participants from all over the world (we met skiers from Canada, Russia, Australia, Austria, Spain, Netherlands,Germany, and of course all of Scandanavia). It is all done on groomed tracks, classic style only. Much like Cycle Oregon, your gear is taken on a bus to the end of day destination so that one only takes what one needs. The distances range between 43 and 86 kilometers. Given the distances, everyone uses “racing” skis, but that is a european thing since most people in europe use racing skis even though they’re not racing (sort of like how so many people use running shoes for hiking/walking/commuting). More about the event can be found at: 

When:  Tuesday, Dec. 3
Location: Lucky Labrador Brewing Company, 1945 NW Quimby St., Portland
6:30 p.m. Social Time
7:30  Program: Rajalta Rajalle Hihhto event in Finland
Food/Beverages available $