Monthly Meeting

WHEN: Tue, 1-May-2018 / 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm


New hikes in Oregon by William L. Sullivan

6:30 p.m. Social Hour
7:30 p.m. Program
Food/Beverages available $
Door prize: Pick up a ticket at the meeting for the drawing—you must be present to win.

Author and hiking guru William L. Sullivan returns to ONC-PDX to take us on a slide show tour of new and changed trails he discovered while updating his “100 Hikes” guidebooks for Oregon. Although some trails closed in 2017 because of fire, Sullivan balances that news with descriptions of an equal number of new destinations from around the state. We’ll visit a reopened waterfall trail in Central Oregon, learn what’s changed in the Columbia Gorge, sample a new section of the Oregon Coast Trail, and explore hot springs in Eastern Oregon. As always, Sullivan spices his talk with anecdotes about history, wildflowers, and geology along the way.
