Day Bike Ride — Downtown Vancouver to Vancouver Lake.

WHEN: 19-Jul-2023 / 10:00 am - 3:00 pm


Bookings closed

WHERE: Who Song & Larry\'s Restaurant
111 SE Columbia Way, Vancouver, WA, 98661

Let’s start the summer bike trips!  This ONC trip will be a scenic, casual bike trip from downtown Vancouver via Vancouver Lake to Frenchman’s Bar and back to the new waterfront in Vancouver.  I think the distance will be about 15–20 miles.  We will meet and park at Who Song & Larry’s Restaurant  (111 SE Columbia Way, Vancouver, WA 98661) for a departure at 10 AM (after morning rush hour and before it gets hot).

This trip will involve some exploring, enjoying scenery, putting your feet in the water, and probably having happy hour at the end of the ride.  Most of the ride is on bike paths and bike routes. For information, please contact Ted Scheinman, leader,, or phone/text 503-914-9584.


Bookings are closed for this event at this time. Contact the trip leader for any questions.