Outdoor Safety Classes

This page has information on classes of interest to Nordic and Backcountry skiers. Note that some portion of the class cost may be covered by ONC-PDX.

In January 2016 and reconfirmed in September 2020, the Board approved up to a maximum of $100 for education cost per year per leader.  This reimbursement is limited to leaders and co- leaders for overnight trips; day tour leaders may also qualify. But everyone looking for reimbursement must lead a trip within 1 year of taking a class. Please contact a Board Member to verify coverage for a class you may wish to take.  You can find the reimbursement form here.  Note that Day Tour leaders may also earn a Sno-Park permit if they lead 2 or more day trips between Oct.-Sep.

First Aid

First aid and CPR training is offered through American Red Cross.

Wilderness First Aid

Wilderness First Aid (WFA) is the assessment of and treatment given to an ill or injured person in a remote environment where definitive care by a physician and /or rapid transport is not readily available. This is the entry level first aid for the wilderness. Classes are typically two days over a weekend. Check with NOLS or SOLO for classes.

Mountaineering First Aid

The Mazamas have developed their own Mountaineering First Aid (MFA) class. You do not get a WFA certificate but the class is thorough and excellent. The class is a 30-hr scenario-based course. This course consists of five evening evening lectures & mock scenarios and two-day weekend practicum at the Mazama Lodge.

Avalanche Safety

As with wilderness first aid training, for avalanche safety training there is a wide range of training. From a basic evening talk at REI to multi- day classes. Most training has standardized on the American Institute for Avalanche Research and Education (AIARE) starting with Level 1 going up to level 3. Contact the North West Avalanche Center for locations and dates and cost.

Cold Weather Survival Classes

Watch for classes offered at the local colleges.

Updated September 2020