Washington State Intermediate Tour

WHEN: 7-Feb-2024 / All Day


Bookings closed

Let’s ski Washington State this Wednesday. On Feb. 7 up to eight ONC members will head up to either Atkinson Snow Park near Trout Lake or Old Man Pass north of Carson to ski aprox. 8-11 miles. The snow may be groomed, or not, so skiers on this outing need to be able and happy to ski either terrain.

The ultimate destination will be determined by scouting reports from folks who ski these places over the weekend. A report Friday said Old Man Pass was excellent. I’ll post a final destination on the ONC forum section on Monday.

Please bring the 10 essentials so you’re able to take care of yourself and aid others if someone needs assistance.

Our pace will be moderate, but we’ll want to move along if we are to cover some distance.

This is not a ski for beginners.

Please email me — dwiench@gmail.com — if interested. I’ll share carpool info by email.


Bookings are closed for this event at this time. Contact the trip leader for any questions.