Trail Tending – Snowy Trail Tending

Tuesday, November 9th, 2021

On Tuesday, November 9th, we had six die-hard trail tenders meet Alex Eng of the Forest Service at Pocket Creek Snow Park to work on the ski trail bridges. We had some miscommunication about which bridges to work on, but that got resolved early. After cutting a 24-inch tree out of the road, we went to work on the lower Meadow Creek Trail Bridge. Cleaning the snow off the bridge revealed that some of the logs were too rotten to be safe. Alex decided that the bridge will be marked as unsafe and that a new bridge would need to be planned. From there, we drove into Teacup Nordic Area and walked to the Teacup Tie Trail bridge. We cleaned it off, removed decaying filler logs, and filled gaps with new fillers before having lunch and walking back to our cars. It was a great day to be in the woods with fresh snow and hope for more snow to come to start the ski season.

Many thanks to Keith Baker, Russ Bunker, Karol Kochsmeier, Ranier Hummel and Mary Hepokoski for coming out to help keep our ski trails and bridges in good condition for the ski season.

Happy Ski Trails!